Love Of Kill Manga

Love of kill manga is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Fe. It is also known as “Koroshi Ai.” We saw it’s anime adaptation in the January of 2022. The anime was directed by Platinum Vision. The manga was published by NA Yen Press. It has 12 episodes in the anime and 12 volumes in the manga.  The genre is action and romance.

PLOT: Love Of Kill Manga

There is a bounty Hunter, her name is Chateau. She was an excellent fighter and did not think anyone would ever surpass her in combat. This mysterious man, who over powered her took interest in her and started helping her in her missions. However, Chateau made it clear that his involvement is fine only on the professional aspect and she would not like to get involved with him personally.

Later, Chateau is tasked with killing Song Ryang Ha – an expert killer and a skilled fighter. Soon Chateau finds out that he is the mysterious man that is very skilled and has been helping her. After this, they both make a deal. Ryang Ha will provide essential details like – suspect’s locations and important information, but in return she has to go out with him. She is reluctant but agrees to this deal.


  • Chateau Dankworth : She is the protagonist and very skilled assassin. She works a bounty hunter in Ritzland support. She reluctantly agreed to the deal with Song Ryang Ha and she always rejects his romantic perspectives. Despite knowing the harsh fact that she is actually from the Nobel family and not the Dankworth dynasty, she rejects her own integrity and virtue, and declares herself as a member of the Dankworth family.
Love Of Kill Manga
Class of Love Of Kill Manga
  • Song Ryang Ha : He is so skilled in combat that he even surpasses Chateau Dankworth. He was knows for taking down the Hong Kong triads alone without any help. He is wanted by many organizations and each one of them wants him dead. His deal is to exchange important information and location of wanted people in exchange for spending time with Chateau Dankworth and going out with her (Love Of Kill Manga).
  • Euripedes Ritzland : He is the owner of the Ritzland Support organization. He goes by the nickname of “The Boss” and is married to a 25 year old entrepreneur. He looks older than his age which is also 25. He can handle the underworld pretty nicely. He is very tough but very calm at the same time.

RATINGS: Love Of Kill Manga

The “Love of Kill” has a rating of 6.6 on IMDB.

It has a score of 6.89 on “My anime list”

The manga has a rating of 3.9 on Good Reads.


  • The name of this manga is a pun. “Koroshi Ai” means love of kill which is true but when the word is written like “Koroshiai”, it’s japanese meaning translates to “Assassin.”
  • Information is taken from ending credits from each episode.
  • Ryang is voiced by Hiro Shimono


“If in reality man were not a coward, man taken together, in other words, the human race? This would mean that everything else is nothing more than prejudice, purely imaginary terrors, and that there are no limitations. This is how it should be!…!”

Max Liron Bratman

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